10 Years Ago: INCANTATION release Scapegoat

Daily Noise - / 2020

10 Years Ago: INCANTATION release Scapegoat

INCANTATION released the 7" single Scapegoat on this day in 2010 through Ibex Moon Records. The two songs were recorded during the Primordial Domination sessions in April / May 2006.

...it's from the same recording session as the last album. It was just 2 extra tracks that we had known we wanted to release at some point though we didn't expect to put it out so late after the album's release, which was around 2006. Finally we had some downtime and thought it would be cool to release those songs on a 7" format - every once in a while we like to do some underground-type of release. I guess it's an art thing.

John McEntee / Incantation interview, Power of Metal, 2010