20 Years Ago: SATANIC WARMASTER release Opferblut

Daily Noise - / 2023

20 Years Ago: SATANIC WARMASTER release Opferblut

SATANIC WARMASTER released their second album, Opferblut ("Sacrificial blood"), on this day in 2003 through No Colours.

The debute album convinced No Colours Records to a degree they offered a contract. Flattered by the possibility to become one in the lineage of Dimmu Borgir, Graveland etc. I agreed on the contract just to see the travesty No Colours Records made of it's legacy with it's contemporary releases.

Satanic Tyrant Werwolf / Satanic Warmaster interview, Kill Me Creator, 2010

The lineup for this recording included Lord War Torech (TORTURIUM, LURK) and Lord Sargofagian (BAPTISM) as session drummer:

We knew each other earlier already, and as I sought more intense musicianship I asked him [Lord Sargofagian] to crush wooden coffins for us. The only recording he played on was "Opferblut".

Satanic Tyrant Werwolf / Satanic Warmaster interview, Kill Me Creator, 2010