21 Years Ago: DEICIDE release Serpents of the Light

Daily Noise - / 2018

21 Years Ago: DEICIDE release Serpents of the Light

Deicide - Serpent of the Light

The guy, Nizen Lopez, who did the artwork for the album... he came to a show and gave me the painting. It had his phone number and everything on the back of it. The painting was titled, "Serpent of the Light." I called him up and talked to him for about an hour on the phone and asked him how he came up with it and what it means to him. I told him that I was interested in using the painting and the title on the new record. He was very excited about it. So am I. The song itself is our phone conversation.
- Glen Benton / Deicide interview, The Grimoire of Exalted Deeds #10, 1997

DEICIDE released Serpents of the Light, their fourth album, on this day in 1997.

Deicide - Slave to the Cross

"Killing, blood spilling" came to me. And then, "Murder unheard of." That came pouring out of me. I wrote that song in an afternoon.
- Glen Benton / Deicide interview, The Grimoire of Exalted Deeds #10, 1997

Deicide - Father Baker's

I wrote "Father Baker" in an hour and a half. It was just something that needed to come out of me. That song deals with a place that used to exist in upstate New York, where I'm from. I have a cousin that escape from the place.
...we're taking like 50 years ago or whatever... you got out of a place like that, you get as far from that fucking place as you fuckin' could. (laughs) When I was a kid, man, our parents used to threaten us with it. And their parents used to threaten them with it. So me and Chris Barnes were talking on the phone one day, and I mentioned it to him. He fuckin' just totally freaked out on me. "I can't believe you brought that up! I have heard that since I was a kid!" We were both in the same area. So I'm like, "Dude, I'm gonna write a song about it. One of us has to write it." He was done with his record, so I said, "I've got one left. Let me see what I can do." That afternoon, I went out and I wrote it.
- Glen Benton / Deicide interview, The Grimoire of Exalted Deeds #10, 1997