25 Years Ago: SETHERIAL release Lords of the Nightrealm

Daily Noise - / 2023

25 Years Ago: SETHERIAL release Lords of the Nightrealm

First of all, black metal lies in the intellect, not in the tempo. We play fast as we find it most satisfying that way, not for any other reason. No band gets to be a pure black metal act just by playing fast, nor by playing slow. Real black metal will always lie in the individual's views and opinions!

Kraath / Setherial interview, I Came From Darkness #4, 1996

SETHERIAL released their second album, Lords of the Nightrealm, on this day in 1998.

Most early SETHERIAL albums were recorded at Peter Tägtgren's Abyss Studio, all except ...Nightrealm which was recorded in October 1997 at Hellsound.

The album we are the most displeased with production wise is "Lords of the Nightrealm". The production on that album doesn't give the music any justice at all. We have actually re-recorded some tracks from that album so it can be released to the public in the state it was supposed to have been.

Infaustus / Setherial interview, OccultBlackMetalZine, 2010