25 Years Ago: VADER live Krakow (Darkest Age)

Daily Noise - / 2018

25 Years Ago: VADER live Krakow (Darkest Age)

...we already have recorded a live album in '93, it was The Darkest Age, but this album was recorded especially for the Polish maniacs because it was kind of a tribute to them. Because those guys just believed in us. You know, we had to wait almost ten years for a debut album; we had to wait [such a] long time. I think those maniacs, those fans, all those metalheads in Poland, they believed in us and they helped us in every respect. That's why we decided to record this kind of live album. The first idea was to release the album just in Polish territory. Nobody expected that Vader would become something known and that people were going to be looking for every album ever done by Vader.
- Peter / Vader interview, Demonzine, 2000

VADER played live at Corona Hall, Kraków on this day in 1993. It was released by Polish label Baron Records in 1994.