27 Years Ago: Metal Passion Party 3 (Beherit, Xysma, Frost) 27 Years Ago: Metal Passion Party 3 (Beherit, Xysma, Frost)

Daily Noise - / 2017

27 Years Ago: Metal Passion Party 3 (Beherit, Xysma, Frost)

Live on this day in 1990, Rovaniemi, Finland. The third Metal Passion Party featuring BEHERIT, XYSMA and FROST.

Beherit - Full Set

We have played quite few gigs, less than 10. Our last gig was with XYSMA (you know, quite cool gore-core from southern Finland) but mainly we've played with other local bands here in North-Finland. On our gigs at least I'm "weltering in Blood", Necro-Vengeance and Sodomatic Slaughter have black face & corpse painting on. In future there should be more blood and fire on the stage and of course lots of upside-down crosses and pentagrams. We've planned to perform some Satanic rituals on stage, too. Oh, I almost forgot: we should be playing in Norway, too, in December, with Mayhem and Xerasia... Hail Satan!
- Daemon the Seventh Devil of Fornication / Beherit interview, Sepulchral Noise #5, 1991
