30 Years Ago: INVERTED record Tales of Estaban

Daily Noise - / 2021

30 Years Ago: INVERTED record Tales of Estaban

Since we started the band in February '91 we took four months to rehearse before we entered the studio. We plan to take even more time next recording to improve even more.

Kristian Hasselhuhn / Inverted interview, Balance of Terror #3, 1991

INVERTED completed recording their debut demo, Tales of Estaban, on this day in 1991.

The respons has been great! We have sold a lot of demos and we have got hundreds of letters from all over the world. And almost everybody likes the demo, fucking great!!

Kristian Hasselhuhn / Inverted interview, Mortuary #3, 1992

Recording took place at Steamship Studios.

We did this because we wanted to be original. We didn't want to sound like the other Swedish death metal bands. And one other thing is that it would be very expensive to travel to Stockholm and record the demo there. We financed the demo ourselves.

Kristian Hasselhuhn / Inverted interview, Balance of Terror #3, 1991