30 Years Ago: MESSIAH record Extreme Cold Weather (there lies my neighbours frozen mum)

Daily Noise - / 2017

30 Years Ago: MESSIAH record Extreme Cold Weather (there lies my neighbours frozen mum)

Dear thrashing people. Please, listen now to the following words of an old wise man...
Tonight, enjoy yourself... but don't get too much drunk, don't be a little bad king of a fucking stupid massacre. If it's so, you're in a false place here...

MESSIAH recorded their second album on this day in 1987 at PSF Tonstudio, Baar, Switzerland.

Both albums (Hymn... and Extreme Cold... -ed) were recorded in the same 8-track-studio in Switzerland (home-town "Baar") and we had no producer and the owner of the studio never made a metal-record. So we had to learn the simple technique of that recording studio and did the recording's and mixing by ourself! Again, inspired by our own feelings without any influence of other productions.
- Brögi / Messiah interview, Metal Rules

I always found their debut to be killer and dark, but also never read any lyrics. It's a different atmosphere on this album. Hopefully that's not just a superficial judgement based on the artwork and lyrics. The production is not as heavy and chaotic as Hymn to Abramelin. There are still plenty of great thrashing riffs of course! An interesting album between the raw debut attack and the much more honed and powerful later death/thrash albums (Choir of Horrors, Psychomorphia and Rotten Perish).