30 Years Ago: THE BREEDERS record a Peel session

Daily Noise - / 2020

30 Years Ago: THE BREEDERS record a Peel session

THE BREEDERS had two weeks booked at Edinburgh studio Palladium for their debut LP Pod. They managed to complete the record in one and used the remaining time to record a Peel session - on this day in 1990 - with engineer Steve Albini (BIG BLACK, SHELLAC) and video tape an in-studio feature for the BBC programme Snub TV.

The band formed gradually over the previous year and for the album and this session consisted of Kim Deal (PIXIES), Tanya Donelly (THROWING MUSES), Josephine Wiggs (THE PERFECT DISASTER) and Britt Walford of SLINT under the pseudonym Shannon Doughton.

SATAN'S ANSWER to The Bangles are currently under the production whip of top Rock Goblin Steve Albini in a studio near you, but tonight they came to bury the band who proceded them - stout believers in rock "antics" all.

NME, 27 January 1990

Following on from their appearance on Snub TV and the John Peel session this (one-off?) record does all it can to justify the attention it'll receive because of the people involved with it - right down to engineer Steve Albini. It has the unpredictability and tense atmosphere of 'Surfer Rosa' and 'Doolittle', along with flashes of ferocity and pure, gracefully glowing catchiness.

NME, 26 May 1990