Common Eider King Eider - Extinction (CD) Common Eider King Eider - Extinction (CD)

Common Eider King Eider - Extinction (CD)

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A new ritual from this long running doom / drone / ambient collective, offering up modern manifestations of ancient energies, channelled into smouldering swathes of ceremonial hypnosis and explosive gouts of blood-red radiance. Extinction is an extended ceremonial rite conducted below ground at the Wisp House (R.I.P.). A song suite of psychedelic devotionals assembled from reverb drenched industrial drones, billowing clouds of metallic throb, and churning, rhythmic bombast. Fields of ghostly incantations suspended in the ether, draped over metallic murmurs and moaning melancholia. The low end rumble of monk-like chants beneath the soft tangle of keening lamentation. A slowly evolving sensory sacrament, tense and harrowing, punctuated by dense dramatic swells and aching, mournful mantras.


Track listing

  1. Extinction
  2. Black Bough
  3. Crystalline Shores
  4. A Wisp Of Smoke, And Salem Burns


...a hypnotic, mystical tempest of sound, filled with ghostly incantations, melancholia and intense swells of drama. - 4/5