Stiny Plamenu - Mrtva komora (CD)

Stiny Plamenu - Mrtva komora (CD)

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Lord Morbivod presents his fifth album with Stiny plamenu. It is the most aggressive and powerful album by Stiny plamenu. Black metal in swedish vein with special unique essence, which is known from Lord Morbivod's music only. All lyrics are again about his trips to sewage and about war against christians and humanity.


Track listing

  1. Úhlavský kanalizační sběrač
  2. Litinový teror
  3. Mrtvá komora
  4. Strojírenský sběrač
  5. Žár stoky v plamenech
  6. Pod tíhou tmy
  7. Odpusť vodárny
  8. Zatmění plamenů
  9. Plošná ratizace Plzně


Musically, "Mrtva Komora" has everything to offer a Black Metal band could grant: blistering riffs, ugly screeched vocals (but not too screechy) and darkly rapid drums. The drums, however, are what makes this album interesting. Like METALLICA's "St. Anger", the drums have a METALLICA crashing sound that makes it sound like the drummer took two trashcans every once in a while and banged them together. This creates a unique sound that goes well with the vocals and guitars, which change from extremely fast Black Metal chords to a more Hard Rock vibe. Songs like "Strojirensky Sbirae" and "Plosna Ratizace Plzni" are strictly Black Metal for their speed and drumming. Other tracks like "Uhlavsky Kanalizaeni Sbirae" and "Pod Tihou Tmy" are much more along the Rock n' Roll riffs heard from bands like KHOLD or DARK FORTRESS. There's also a few quieter moments like on the title track where a creepy keyboard plays in the background of the music, adding a grim atmosphere, and then everything gets very morose as only the drums and vocals perform, making a very good use of the horror elements Black Metal has to offer. - 4/5

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