Ghast - Dread Doom Ruin (Cassette)

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When the thorns have pierced our tongues
and the blood has been spat upon bone
and the colour is red,
the abyss of death is coated anew.

Recorded by Swine at The Compound in September 2012.
Engineered and mixed by Swine during 2013.
Mastered by Colin Marston in January 2014.

The bleakest GHAST record to date! No light, no peace. The ash of ritual, the thundering roar of violence. Tales of hatred, brutality and suffering howled over the most devastating Black-Doom Metal. Ghast's mark, the collision of monolithic Doom with Black Metal's sinister majesty, branded into each of their works; again taken to greater levels of negativity. Words can not convey the power of this album, only by immersing yourself will you discover the true depths as the horror is invoked.

Marked by their dust, the moon signals that the ritual is done. After two years Ghast's second opus is unleashed! Amidst blood forever...


Track listing

  1. Hate Stone
  2. Festival of Serpents
  3. Demons that Fled the Ferocity of Men
  4. Grave Cult Woe
  5. Lost in Fog
  6. Scorn and Death