Old Silver Key - Tales of Wanderings (Digipak CD)

Old Silver Key - Tales of Wanderings (Digipak CD)

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OLD SILVER KEY, the new band born from the hyperactive mind of DRUDKH mainman Roman Sayenko and consisting of four DRUDKH members plus French artist Neige (ALCEST, AMESOEURS) on vocals, named their debut album "Tales of Wanderings".

Here is the OLD SILVER KEY that opens the door into a world of witches, cunning foxes, talking wolves, where a poor farmer's boy wins the hand of a princess while the prince sulks as a frog. "Tales of Wanderings" take you into the fairy tale world of childhood and logs burning in the fireplace. Yet there is often a twist darker than the stories of the Brothers Grimm to these songs. This comes as no surprise as the mastermind behind the musical tales is Roman Sayenko of DRUDKH. Having explored more progressive ways on their latest output "Handful of Stars" (2010), Roman decided it was time to go even further, but in a new project. In ALCEST singer Neige, the Ukrainian found the perfect collaborator and the OLD SILVER KEY was born. All members of Drudkh gladly joined in the making of "Tales of Wanderings" that only offers a murky glimpse of the Black Metal roots and turns to something warmer and lighter without losing the raw earthen spirit, which the band reluctantly calls Post Rock to give their brainchild a name. Yet OLD SILVER KEY offers something more, which is hard to describe, but takes you on a mental journey full of amazement and wonder. Close your eyes, listen carefully and discover a new side to the Ukrainians!


Track listing

  1. What Once Was And Will Never Happen Again
  2. November Nights Insomnia
  3. Cold Spring
  4. Nineteen Winters Far Away From Home
  5. Star Catcher
  6. Burnt Letters
  7. About Which An Old House Dreams


Uncomplicated rock beats, meditative piano, and fuzzy but melodic guitar strumming rule these seven glittery jams. Sometimes the percussion speeds to near-ferocity and tremolo picking accompanies the Frenchman's melancholy poetry ("November Nights Insomnia", "Nineteen Winters Far Away From Home"), but gorgeous '90s guitar tones and memories of simpler 4/4 times are always just around the corner. - 4/5