Conspiracy - Irremediable (CD)

Conspiracy - Irremediable (CD)

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The third full-length opus from Dutch mastermind Carpathian Wolf (ex-MELECHESH) together with German composer / orchestrator Aryan Blaze, CONSPIRACY's return with "Irremediable" is a mesmerizing feat of dense and deep-seated melodic passages, with no short of relevant brutality into the mix.

An unassuming yet vehement brew of immense musical ideology within the extreme metal genre, and proudly retaining the core sound of CONSPIRACY; somewhat unorthodox but still enough to draw blood. "Irremediable" is one of CONSPIRACY's most intimate album to date!


Track listing

  1. Nocturnal Hunters
  2. Ouverture
  3. Black Mass
  4. End of Religion
  5. Pentagram
  6. The Invocation of Hecate
  7. Irremediable
  8. The Hag
  9. Armageddon Broke
  10. A Dream of Fear
  11. Carpathian Sunset
  12. Bukovina


The songwriting jumps back and forth between variations of black, heavy, and thrash metal. In fact, there are subtle nods to "Abigail" era King Diamond on the title track and "Bukovina." All of these styles mesh in a manner that shows precision and care was taken. From the outset, Conspiracy uses opener "Nocturnal Hunters" as a way to introduce all these elements. The first half of the track is heavy on the static tremolo riffs, which gives way to wicked shredding in the latter part. Throughout the album, the guitar work is the standout, showing Wolf's fluid playing and technical chops that make him far from an average black metal guitarist. - 3/5

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