Soror Dolorosa - Blind Scenes (Digipak CD)

Soror Dolorosa - Blind Scenes (Digipak CD)

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The album is quite cold, with misty blue moods. 'Blind Scenes' would rather be perceived as scenes unseen, that is to say, out of time and out of the real world. As a state of grace overshadowed by the inevitability of everyday life. The lyrics are heartfelt and talk about regrets, coldness, alcohol abuse, as well as forfeiture, but mostly nostalgia, hence the blue color of the music.

They chose "Drudenhaus Studio" (CNK, ALCEST, LES DISCRETS, VARSOVIE, NECROBLASPHEME), recommended by Neige, who described it as an ideal place to record their music. On the one hand because the studio is analog, and on the other hand because it is located in Brittany's countryside, isolated from the rest of the world, with compulsory rain in August. It was produced by Benoit Roux "Mr. Xort" (ex-ANOREXIA NERVOSA), who recorded additional keyboards.
The album artwork & layout was done by Metastazis, who is one of the best illustrators/designers of the underground scene and worked for ALCEST, ANATHEMA, ANTAEUS, ENTHRONED, FORGOTTEN WOODS, GORGOROTH, IMMOLATION, SECRETS OF THE MOON, TAAKE, Listenable Records, Osmose Productions & Warner Bros.
So, that's how SOROR DOLOROSA appear today, which is quite a feat, knowing their respective influences. Andy, as a drummer, has been marked by black metal and metal in general but also by the likes of HUMAN LEAGUE, FIELDS OF THE NEPHILIM or ULVER's latest albums. Herve is a big fan of THE CURE, DEPECHE MODE and CHRISTIAN DEATH. Emey is somewhat influenced by METALLICA, Satriani, Vai, but also blues & movie soundtracks. Franck listens to bands as diverse as IRON MAIDEN, BON JOVI or THE FRENCH VARIETY, as well as reggae, although he is primarily a BEATLES fan. However, since the basics for their songs often come from bass riffs, the colour of the music naturally goes into the direction of gothic/death rock and cold wave.

"SOROR DOLOROSA is what you get when you take the very best of 80s Gothic Rock such sa THE CURE, FIELDS OF THE NEPHILIM or THE SISTERS OF MERCY and combine it with the cold melancholy of AMESOEURS or KATATONIA - What a landmark album!!"


Track listing

  1. Crystal Lane
  2. Autumn Wounds
  3. Damaged Dreamer
  4. Low End
  5. Soror Dolorosa
  6. Scars of Crusade
  7. In a Glance
  8. Broken Wings


An amazing entrance in the scene, which will hopefully be a major success! - 5/5