Skineater - Dermal Harvest (CD)

Skineater - Dermal Harvest (CD)

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The foul harvest is finally ripe for the picking. Swedish supergroup SKINEATER is on a murderous rampage with the band's debut effort Dermal Harvest, a petrifying array of extremely deadly and precision-cut death metal!
De-skinned to perfection, Dermal Harvest showcases some of the most resilient veterans in the Swedish extreme scene, with past and present members from WOMBBATH, IN THY DREAMS, DARK FUNERAL, CARNAL FORGE, DEFLESHED, etc. The end result is an unstoppable skin-butcher unit literally flaying everything in its path! Never has death metal extremity been so well brewed with melodic darkness in a long time.
Recorded at various locations, mixed and mastered at Sweden's Studio Underground (CARNAL FORGE, STEEL ATTACK, FLESHCRAWL, NECRODEATH, etc), and with the striking album artwork designed and conceptualised by Mathias Bjorkbacka, Dermal Harvest is without doubt a world-class audioviolence with sick torturous intent.


Track listing

  1. He Was Murdered
  2. Dismantling
  3. Your Life Is Mine
  4. Made of Godsick
  5. Through the Empire
  6. Stab
  7. Drifting
  8. Thousand Dead Faces
  9. Bring Them
  10. Solitude Discord


Yet only from "Stab" right until the gory ending of "Solitude Discord" I came to admire this album even more. Such creativity in Death Metal music just can be denied. "Thousand Dead Faces" provided intensified riffing as ordered by the old school guard and again fast paced combustions but with a great mid tempo awareness. Furthermore, I just couldn't let go of the great harmonics and melodies. "Bring Them", the album's harmonious tracks, displaying a great old IN FLAMES, CEREMONIAL OATH, DARK TRANQUILLITY type of melodic lines, also accorded a series of smashing lead fretwork that drove me senselessly. I also enjoyed the aggressiveness of the rhythm guitars and once again amazed by the drumming that drove hard, swiftly into the shores of hell. Stopping right here in order not to spoil your fun, I will sum this up. "Dermal Harvest" is an astounding release; it will render you unconsciousness with its speeding and massive trill picking action, amazing lead guitar work both on the licks and soloing, awesome low toned snarls and growls, suitable production in a good quality. Yes there are repetitions here and there but those won't disintegrate the fun for most of you. - 5/5