Daily Noise — Phlebotomized RSS

30 Years Ago: PHLEBOTOMIZED record Devoted to God

30 Years Ago: PHLEBOTOMIZED record Devoted to God

Are you sick of plain death/doom-metal? Well, we've got the cure... PHLEBOTOMIZED. Heavy, melodic death-metal with a difference !!! A combination with keyboards completes the PHLEBOTOMIZED-sound into a symphonic happening. First demo "DEVOTED TO GOD" is available in holland for fl 10,- and fl 2,50 in stamps or...
27 Years Ago: PHLEBOTOMIZED record Devoted to God

27 Years Ago: PHLEBOTOMIZED record Devoted to God

Are you sick of plain death/doom-metal? Well, we've got the cure... PHLEBOTOMIZED. Heavy, melodic death-metal with a difference !!! A combination with keyboards completes the PHLEBOTOMIZED-sound into a symphonic happening. First demo "DEVOTED TO GOD" is available in holland for fl 10,- and fl 2,50 in stamps or...