15 Years Ago: MGLA record Power and Will 15 Years Ago: MGLA record Power and Will

Daily Noise - / 2018

15 Years Ago: MGLA record Power and Will

MGŁA finished recording Power and Will on this day in 2003. The four songs (Parts I-VI) were recorded over two days at Gaschamber Portable. The lineup at that point was founding member M. and Daren (KRIEGSMASCHINE, HOLY DEATH, ARAGON) on drums.

The material would be their first public release, part of the six-way split Crushing the Holy Trinity with CLANDESTINE BLAZE, DEATHSPELL OMEGA, MUSTA SURMA, STABAT MATER, and EXORDIUM.
MGŁA were one of the last (with some dating back to 2000) to record for the split which, after some understandable delays, was released in mid 2005.

I know Mgła's founding member from back when the only things Mgła had done were instrumental demos with a drum machine. Already at the time there was an intangible, inexplicable element, which promised much more than the demos concretely delivered. I invited Mgła on to the Crushing the Holy Trinity compilation simply based on those relatively modest merits. That inexplicable spirit, which had been there since the earliest recordings, came through on those recordings and has further refined itself over the years.
- Mikko Aspa / Clandestine Blaze interview, Heathen Harvest, 2016