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35 Years Ago: DEATH SS release Black Mass

35 Years Ago: DEATH SS release Black Mass

People were shocked to see five crazy young boys, masked as monsters, that, from a stage set up with authentic cemetery artifacts (stolen the night before from the local cemetery) threw worms, real blood and rotting flesh to the audience, playing a kind of music so dark and...
25 Years Ago: NASUM release Inhale / Exhale

25 Years Ago: NASUM release Inhale / Exhale

Grindcore wasn't that hot at that time. Napalm Death had made a few non-grindcore albums and it was evident that we filled a void. There was a hole in the extreme music world that we happened to fill. Many of the reviews had passages like "I don't usually...
30 Years Ago: D.R.I. release Definition

30 Years Ago: D.R.I. release Definition

During the Four of a Kind and Thrash Zone years, we were doing pretty good. We reached a certain point where we weren't getting any higher and lower, so for Definition, we decided to open for a lot of bands - like Ice-T & Body Count and Testament....
30 Years Ago: PITCHSHIFTER release Submit

30 Years Ago: PITCHSHIFTER release Submit

The LP has gone down pretty well with the 'zines and smaller mags. N.M.E. have (even) given us a good review, so have vox and Select, but Melody Maker? Who knows? MEDIAVOID. We love you M.M. & Kerrang. J.S. Clayden / Pitchshifter interview, Chamber of Sorrow #4, 1993...