...the music needs to be grand, monotonous, repetitive and melancholic. All these elements can be found in _The Ancient Returns_. There is no point to mix hundreds of riffs with virtuoso solos as the listener (in this case myself) will lose the plot and will not be able...
Daily Noise — Black Metal History RSS
I was quite young when I wrote and recorded that album... still in high school, in fact. I suppose if it seemed cruel and hateful, it was nothing more than youth that spawned such emotions. I do not remember any specific events or ideas that may have caused...
...I think that everything that makes Blut Aus Nord is already at the heart of Ultima Thulée which, even if it is a rather naive album in its expression, contains this feeling found on what was recorded by BaN since. There is an obvious progression over the years,...
Many bands tend to move in one direction only, when there is seeming "progression", but what would that entail? Faster blast beats? Cleaner production, shredding solos? All that is still subject to objectivity! We have simply written unique songs which move in many ways, like branches from the...
We released a 7" EP entitled Inn I Evighetens Morke ("Into the Eternity of Darkness") on Necromantic Gallery Productions in '94. It was sold out within only a few weeks. Silenoz / Dimmu Borgir interview, Chronicles of Chaos, 1996 DIMMU BORGIR released their first material, the Inn i...
Recorded in the summer, MOONBLOOD released their second official (rehearsal-) demo on this day in 1994.
MARDUK released their third album, Opus Nocturne, on this day in 1994 through Osmose. ..."Opus Nocturne" lacks alot production wise, we are still very, very satisfied with the music featured on the album. Something that has been very positive for us is that we have changed studio from...
We're specialized in creating innovative songs played at slow or moderate speed. Sometimes we do faster because in our opinion it's more interesting to create a far-reaching irization. We set great stores by simple arrangements joined with deeply depressive melodies. These depressive melodies crassly change with very brutal...
The new Mayhem LP will be entitled De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas and it will be DARK. If everything goes OK, we'll record it VERY soon and get it out some time in the summer of '92. We'll try to record it by using a good studio which is...
CRADLE OF FILTH released their debut album The Principle of Evil Made Flesh on this day in 1994 through Cacophonous. The recording of our debut album went like clockwork, despite a few tense moments and fear of a stretched budget.... the end result is extremely satisfactory indeed; a...
ENSLAVED released their debut album classic Vikingligr Veldi on this day in 1994 through Deathlike Silence (at that point, after the death of Euronymous, under control of the distributor Voices of Wonder). Original press sheet: UP TO DATE: ENSLAVEDHaugesund, Norway, 13.2.1994The norwegian VIKING-metallers ENSLAVED are these days releasing their...
SAMAEL released their third album, Ceremony of Opposites, on this day in 1994. For Ceremony of Opposites the songs were mainly composed with the guitar and the keyboards were added afterward to give a different ambiance and dimension to the music.We were considering the vocal as another instrument...
No other band has been boycotted to such an extent as DARKTHRONE. This feeble attempt to shut us up simply enables us to take this title: The worlds most hated band. We have no problems with that...... DARKTHRONE released their fourth album, Transilvanian Hunger, on this day in...
Our debut album was NOT a blend of black metal and death metal, but rather a blend of heavy metal, thrash metal, death metal, alternative, and classical music/guitar. This album was created between 1992 and late 1993, so it was a time when death metal was very hyped....
In ways, it's different, but it's not so different in other ways, you know?! That's how I see it. The musical progress is clear, I think. "...And So The Night Became" has more pounding sound, better arrangement and more 'focused' emotion than "Beyond The Wandering Moon". Aeternus interview,...
FUNERAL MIST - formed by Arioch (MARDUK) in 1994 - released their first major release, the Devilry mini-album, on this day in 1998. Recording took place in late 1997 through January 1998 at Necromorbus Studio. Some of the songs, including the eponymous track above, originate at least as...
The album was recorded in our first rehearsal space in Drammen, as well as in the basement of the old drummer's house, using a lot of equipment that we had brought there ourselves. It was not a very structured process, and none of us had that much studio...
The meaning of it... directly you can't say... "Nexus" means a connection point between 2 things and "Polaris" has two different means... It's a guiding star, and at the same time it's the name of the first NUCLEAR MISSILE ever made...Compolaris... so... for me, the title means "Progressive...