20 Years Ago: DARK FUNERAL release Diabolis Interium 20 Years Ago: DARK FUNERAL release Diabolis Interium

Daily Noise - / 2021

20 Years Ago: DARK FUNERAL release Diabolis Interium

On this record we have changed more than on the previous one. Some arrangements are more melodic and there are more changes from the drumbeats. This is the most complete Dark Funeral album to date and the first one that I'm completely satisfied about. The atmosphere, the artwork and the production is the best we've had so far. The music is still very fast and it's still a typical Dark Funeral-record. We've just taken it to a higher level.

Margus Caligula / Dark Funeral interview, Lords of Metal, 2001

DARK FUNERAL released their third album, Diabolis Interium, on this day in 2001.

The album has a smoother line. It is not fast music from the beginning till the end, but we threw in some slower parts for variation. We learned that it is better not to have blastbeats on the whole album, but have some slower parts too. Certain riffs for example would've sounded horrible if they were paired with a blastbeat.

In the past I did more death-growls. This time I've tried to go back to the basics of the of blackmetal and do more vocals like they were used in the beginning of the 90s. For example I've tried to do more cracking vocals like Dead did when he did the vocals for Mayhem. If you listen to his recordings you hear he doesn't have a clean blackmetalscream and that his voice cracks on the high peaks. That is something that I tried to do with this record.

Margus Caligula / Dark Funeral interview, Lords of Metal, 2001
Dark Funeral - Hail Murder

I don't know if commercial is the right word. We've reached the stage when other people are willing to do things for us and we exploit that. Here in Sweden we've been on the TV a couple of times and in Finland we even have TV-commercials for the new album. We can't live off of the band yet, but we want to reach a stage where we don't have to work besides Dark Funeral. That way we can fully focus on the music, bring the records out faster and have better tours.

Margus Caligula / Dark Funeral interview, Lords of Metal, 2001
Dark Funeral television commercial

Most of the lyrics are anti-Christian or satanic, but I've also tried to touch other topics. And whereas in the past I wrote in third person, I now write about myself. The song 'Goddess Of Sodomy' is about me dominating a girl and making her believe that I am her god. I wrote some lyrics about sex and the dark side of it. It's a display of power: the power that I have over her through my sexuality.

Margus Caligula / Dark Funeral interview, Lords of Metal, 2001
Dark Funeral - Goddess of Sodomy

Those lyrics are inspired by real life experiences. I've experimented a lot with sex and pain lately. I like to test how far I can push my body and others when it comes to certain things and want to know how much pain I can take. When you've reached that point you'll be in a state where pain becomes pleasure and that's where the sexuality comes in. You know, if you listen to the beginning of the song, you'll hear whiplashes. That is actually me getting whipped in the studio.

...by Lord Ahriman. That was a very funny moment, Ahriman was whipping me and Peter Tägtgren was lying under the mixingtable because he rolled over the floor from laughing. He thought we were completely crazy.

Margus Caligula / Dark Funeral interview, Lords of Metal, 2001

Official album promotional description:

Finally the Ineffable Kings of Darkness have returned with 8 tracks of pure Black Metal supremecy. "Diabolis Interium" is the landmark release in the band´s history. With the help of producer Peter Tägtgren and studio technician Lars Szöke, Dark Funeral have created the MASTERPIECE of their recording careers thus far, a record which will surely be considered as a mile-stone in the evolution of black metal in the future. Beside the usual highspeed-songs DARK FUNERAL have also slowed down for the track ´Goddess Of Sodomy", which resulted in a mighty hymn of darkness. ´An Apprentice Of Satan´, already known from the last EP, was reworked for "Diabolis Interium". Other highlights of the CD are ´Armageddon Finally Comes´ and the brutal opener ´The Arrival Of Satan´s Empire´ (which most would agree that this track is THE crown jewel of the Dark Funeral catalog). "Diabolis Interium" is an absolute MUST for every serious metal-collection, not only black metal fanatics!

And accompanying 'selling points':

Top priority release on No Fashion Records
3rd full length release from one of the few bands remaining that understands the term "Black Metal"
Strongest material written so far in the bands existence.
Strongest line-up of bands history.
Band still signed to their original label.
Countless fantastic worldwide reviews, even from previous Dark Funeral skeptics.
Production finally captures the power of Emperor Magus Caligula's demonic and captivating vocals.
Featuring new demon drummer Matte Modin (Defleshed).
Despite numerous mishaps and inferior members, Lord Ahriman continues to wave the flag of hate for the Dark Funeral crusade. Where many would have, and do fail, Ahriman and Dark Funeral continue to prevail.
Worldwide touring. Dark Funeral will spend countless days on the road in support.
Toured the US and outside of Europe long before many other Black Metal acts.
Amazing cover artwork by Morbid (Daniel Valeriani).
Full-page colour advertisement in all relevant media.
Recorded at Abyss Studio.
Produced by Peter Tägtgren.
1,000 promotional CD's sent direct to all relevant media.
20.000 Colour stickers.
10.000 B/W stickers.
10.000 A2 full colour posters.