ROOT released their seventh album, Black Seal, on this day in 2001.
The cover design is by Seth Haymon (LYCANTHROPY).
Seth ICQed me as a Root fan. I had no clue he's a painter and he plays in some band... nothing. After a month or so he wrote me to looked at some of his pictures. I like them very much and so I asked him to paint something for Root. Then we emailed very frequently and dicussed the details and the result you can see on the "Black Seal"... The body should have been little bigger, but who cares. It's perfect as it is.
The interesting thing is - since that time I have never spoke to him again and I even don't know in what band he plays. Shame as I liked what he did and I would like to know what he's doing today. Unfortunately I don't have his ICQ, shame...
Jiří Valter (Big Boss) / Root interview, Vinyl Disk Musick