23 Years Ago: DESTROYER 666 release their first demo: Six Songs with the Devil 23 Years Ago: DESTROYER 666 release their first demo: Six Songs with the Devil

Daily Noise - / 2017

23 Years Ago: DESTROYER 666 release their first demo: Six Songs with the Devil

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In May 1994 K.K. Warslut formed DESTRÖYER 666 after leaving BESTIAL WARLUST. A few months later, "in September Mourning '94", K.K. Warslut and drummer Chris Volcano recorded the Six Songs with the Devil demo, released on this day in 1994.

Sometime in 1990, he was a founding member of CORPSE MOLESTATION who released some cult demos and then, in part to distance themselves from the "gore" death metal scene, became known as BESTIAL WARLUST. In January 1994 BESTIAL WARLUST had just finished recording Vengeance War 'till Death. K.K. left the band not long after:

Before I left I had started jamming with Chris Volcano (ABOMINATOR, IGNIVOMOUS), who ended up playing drums on the "Six Songs with the Devil" (1994) demo. Initially it was just to play some thrash metal and being the usual egotistical little cunt musician that I was, I'd taken offence that BESTIAL WARLUST rejected my song "The Eternal Glory of War". In retrospect, they made the right choice but at the time I was unduly hurt by this grave injustice. Anyway, it was all these things combined that led me to leave the band. I rarely make a big decision based on just one reason alone - for me it's not about whether the coffee cup is half full or not, it's how quick and easily I can get a refill.
- K.K. Warslut / Destroyer 666 interview, Bardo Methodology, 2016

This demo is heavily influenced by bands like BLASPHEMY, SARCOFAGO, SEPULTURA; raw thrashing death metal - a good demo and songs like "Like Bloody Rabid Wolves Unleashed from Chains" hint musically and lyrically at later, more complete, distinct and original material like the classic debut Unchain the Wolves (1997) and beyond!

"The Eternal Glory of War" was eventually recorded for Violence Is the Prince of This World (1995) and again for Phoenix Rising (2000).