Live on this day in 1990, Rovaniemi, Finland. The third Metal Passion Party featuring BEHERIT, XYSMA and FROST.
We have played quite few gigs, less than 10. Our last gig was with XYSMA (you know, quite cool gore-core from southern Finland) but mainly we've played with other local bands here in North-Finland. On our gigs at least I'm "weltering in Blood", Necro-Vengeance and Sodomatic Slaughter have black face & corpse painting on. In future there should be more blood and fire on the stage and of course lots of upside-down crosses and pentagrams. We've planned to perform some Satanic rituals on stage, too. Oh, I almost forgot: we should be playing in Norway, too, in December, with Mayhem and Xerasia... Hail Satan!
- Daemon the Seventh Devil of Fornication / Beherit interview, Sepulchral Noise #5, 1991