Following a series of demos and a split with TERRORIZER, NAUSEA released their debut LP on this day in 1991.
We just wanted to do what we wanted to do, so demos was our thing. Also it kept NAUSEA low pro in the underground scene. There wasn't many labels interested at the time, it was kinda like you had to know someone to get signed. The first album was released by this label [Wild Rag Records] that ripped us and many other bands.
- Eric Castro / Nausea interview, Voices from the Darkside
We hear that often, the album being compared to the follow-up of "World Downfall" and that is Oscar to blame for, haha, in a good way... As far as the change of pace I must say it's been over a decade since "Crime..." came out... "Crime..." was a mix of ideas we wanted to create back then. Also I must admit to say that with NAUSEA we have had the freedom to play and create whatever we felt like through the years. We don't stand or believe in just one musical gender style, at least I don't, from D-beat / Grind / Industrial / experimental to whatever fits in.
- Eric Castro / Nausea interview, Voices from the Darkside