27 Years Ago: REPULSION on Take No Prisoners TV (Flint, MI Public Access)

Daily Noise - / 2018

27 Years Ago: REPULSION on Take No Prisoners TV (Flint, MI Public Access)

The live footage is incredible!! Starts about 5 minutes in. High quality, recorded at the Capital Theatre soon after their 1990 reformation. Killer death metal!

VOIVOD sticker, GG ALLIN shirt (from a flyer, later used as the Rest in Piss design). This is from an episode of Take No Prisoners, a cable access show recorded in REPULSION's hometown of Flint, Michigan. TNP was hosted by Ben Hamper and Jerry Humphrey, and aired during this month in 1991. You can see more episodes from the early 90s on Aaron Stengel's YouTube page.

...if anyone out there has seen the show and you think of where we played the Capitol Theatre, you see us on this big stage with lights and everything, you think "Waouh! They had a really cool home coming reunion gig."" or whatever but the Capitol Theatre was just a really really nice killer venue that existed in Flint but it was never got used for anything and this guy sort of used it for Punk shows, first in the basement and then finally on the big stage, it was a lot of fun but in reality there was only like 30 people there or something...

Matt Olivo / Repulsion interview, Voices from the Darkside

No. There were a couple, 250 or so. The reason it got taped was because a couple of our local fans of the band worked in the public access cable company, and they filmed it professionally and showed it on TV in the Flint area.

Scott Carlson / Repulsion interview, Voices from the Darkside