29 Years Ago: RAPEMAN release Budd

Daily Noise - / 2017

29 Years Ago: RAPEMAN release Budd

We had half a dozen songs that we were going to record and release as an EP, and we did an entire studio recording session of that, over a couple of days, and then a couple of days mixing, and in the end we weren't happy with any of it so the bulk of that was abandoned. Then we did a live recording, partly because Rey had this conception that the way we played as a unit live was better than working out stuff minutely in the studio, and partly because we knew there was a really good live recording facility in town. A guy named Tim Powell owned a mobile truck called Metro Mobile Recording, and he had done a lot of location recording in the city, and everything I'd heard had sounded really good so we thought we'd give that a shot. We had a live recording session at a club called Exit in Chicago, so the EP that was originally intended to be recorded in the studio was recorded as part of a gig. That was released as the Budd EP.
- Steve Albini / Rapeman interview, The Quietus, 2013

Budd lied...

RAPEMAN - formed by Steve Albini (BIG BLACK) with David Sims and Rey Washam (SCRATCH ACID) - released their first record, the Budd EP, on this day in 1988.