30 Years Ago: EXTREME NOISE TERROR / FILTHKICK release In It for Life

Daily Noise - / 2019

30 Years Ago: EXTREME NOISE TERROR / FILTHKICK release In It for Life

EXTREME NOISE TERROR and FILTHKICK released the In It for Life split on this day in 1989 through ENT's Sink Below Records.

FILTHKICK formed in late 1988 and played live with ENT frequently throughout 1989 until they split up that December. FILTHKICK recorded their side in September.

At the time that Filthkick broke up ENT were looking for a new bass player. Jim (Filthkick bass player) turned down an offer to join. During a drunken evening at a gig in Birmingham I told Stick (ENT drummer) that I would play bass if they wanted me. Less than 2 months later I was touring Japan with ENT!

Mark Bailey / Extreme Noise Terror interview, KLF Online