No peers, no scene. As it was back then. But if you listen to this song, feral death thrash a la hell awaits album by Slayer, it is so clear why two of the members were chosen as session members for Mayhem.
- Fenriz, Band of the Week
Early Norwegian black / death / thrash (crossover) cult VOMIT recorded the Rot in Hell demo on this day in 1987. The tape was recorded at their practice space in Nittedal, their hometown, just north of Oslo.
VOMIT had a connection with early MAYHEM, as various bootleg splits will attest. Torben Grue (drums) and Kittil Kittilsen (vocals, and bass in VOMIT) were briefly session members of MAYHEM around 1987-1988.
Euronymous and Torben, 1987