Liberteer - Better to Die on Your Feet Than Live on Your Knees (CD) Liberteer - Better to Die on Your Feet Than Live on Your Knees (CD)

Liberteer - Better to Die on Your Feet Than Live on Your Knees (CD)

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LIBERTEER unleashes a ferocious and wholly unique grindcore rebellion on their Relapse debut Better To Die On Your Feet Than Live On Your Knees. The creation of Matthew Widener (CRETIN, CITIZEN), LIBERTEER merges scathing anarcho-grind with triumphant passages and stirring riffs, creating a blasting war march that espouses nothing less than total anarchy. Even more incendiary lyrically than musically, LIBERTEER is the soundtrack to a populace casting off the chains of state, church, and economic oppression, and fighting tooth and nail to recapture personal freedom. Burn the system down!


Track listing

  1. The Falcon Cannot Hear the Falconer
  2. Build No System
  3. Without Blazon (Is the Flag I Hold Up and Do Not Wag)
  4. We Are Not Afraid of Ruins
  5. Class War Never Meant More than It Does Now
  6. Rise like Lions After Slumber
  7. That Which Is Not Given but Taken
  8. Better to Die on Your Feet than Live on Your Knees
  9. Usurious Epitaph
  10. Revolution's Wick Burning Quick
  11. 99 to 1
  12. Sweat for Blood
  13. Barbarians at the Gate
  14. When We Can't Dream Any Longer
  15. It Is the Secret Curse of Power That It Corrupts
  16. I Am Spartacus
  17. Feast of Industry