Cognizance - Upheaval (CD)

Cognizance - Upheaval (CD)

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Following their 2019 debut album, COGNIZANCE return with their sophomore album Upheaval. Their signature sound of modern death metal laced with undeniable groove and technical prowess seals the deal that they're ones to watch on the thriving UK death metal scene. COGNIZANCE have harnessed the disruption of 2020 and channeled the excoriating energy into the 10 tracks that comprise Upheaval. The title reflects the band's response to not only the impact of the pandemic, but also the societal shifts and humanitarian disasters that preceded it. There are still elements of science fiction incorporated, such as on the two-part track "Syntheticus" which sees the band recount a futuristic horror story, driven by undertones of 21st century excessive consumption.


Track listing

  1. Hymns
  2. Drifting (R)evolution
  3. Decaying Gods
  4. Oneiric
  5. The Mouth Which Cannot Speak
  6. Forbidden Alchemy
  7. Syntheticus I: Atrophy
  8. Syntheticus II: Refuge
  9. Fever Dream
  10. Aeon Sickness