The 3rd Attempt - Egocidal Path (LP) The 3rd Attempt - Egocidal Path (LP)

The 3rd Attempt - Egocidal Path (LP)

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Feeling mired in a rut and taking the decision to leave the relative safety of a big name band like CARPATHIAN FOREST, guitarists Tchort (GREEN CARNATION) and BloodPervertor (APOSTASY) set off to find the enthusiasm and creativity that they felt had been lacking for so long by forming a brand new band that was to become the 3RD ATTEMPT. Vocalist Kaahrl Ødemark (ex-MIDNATTSVREDE, ex-NECROCAVE) and drummer Tybalt (FORTID, DEN SAAKALDTE) came on board, and the band quickly released their debut full-length album Born in Thorns, a smorgasbord of thrash and black'n'roll with an old-school black metal vibe that had fans clamoring to hear, and see, more from the band. With their upcoming sophomore full-length album Egocidal Path, the 3RD ATTEMPT shows beyond a shadow of a doubt how right the two veterans were to head off to pastures new. It is an album that not only builds on its predecessor, but it leaves it far behind. There's still Thrash, there's still black'n'roll, and there's no doubting the presence of that black metal vibe. But there's a whole lot more besides. It exudes the confidence that comes from a band whose members have come together to create something loud, energetic and brash, with a variety that keeps it fresh and interesting, and shows off the undoubted skills and experience of each and every one of its members


Track listing

  1. Blood, Dope and Black N Roll
  2. Into the Light
  3. Reflections About Knives
  4. Egocide
  5. I'll Do It Now
  6. The Disciples
  7. Black Metal Alchemist
  8. The Oath


...a very cool blend, a whole musical journey around the sacred pillars of Black Metal, filled with contrasts. It is definitely a must-listen release. - 5/5