The Order of Apollyon - The Sword and the Dagger (CD) The Order of Apollyon - The Sword and the Dagger (CD)

The Order of Apollyon - The Sword and the Dagger (CD)

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Formed in 2008 by BST and Daniel Wilding (CARCASS), then respectively guitarist and drummer for ABORTED, THE ORDER OF APOLLYON's aim has been since the start to incarnate the word and the wrath of God. Their debut album was based on the dichotomy opposing the material world, the world of the flesh, and the world beyond matter, bathed in his light and his glory. After a radical line-up change, and the induction of new blood coming from the depths of the French black metal underground scene, the band started playing more shows, including France's Hellfest, and prepared their second opus, The Sword And The Dagger, with a more radical approach to both their music and lyrics, and including a wider range of influences, from raw orthodox black metal and death metal, to martial industrial music. The Sword and the Dagger carries a lot of vibrancy and killer musicianship, it is a monstruous sounding genuine death metal album that will please both fans of true black metal and evil death metal.


Track listing

  1. Own the Youth
  2. Hatred over Will
  3. Our Flowers Are the Sword and the Dagger
  4. Al 'Ankabout
  5. Hold Not Thy Peace, O God of My Praise
  6. Chants of Purification
  7. The Curse Is Poured upon Them
  8. By Your Command We Return to Dust
  9. Eight Pillars
  10. The Hand That Became Weak
  11. Omnis Honor et Gloria


Blasting drums, versatile guitar riffs and deep, hellish screams combine to produce one of the heaviest and harrowing albums of the year. B.S.T. has certainly moved away from dry sounds of The Flesh and brought The Order of Apollyon onto a higher level. Fans of Behemoth, Hate and Bane should surely find some pleasure here. - 4/5