Goat Torment - Forked Tongues (LP) Goat Torment - Forked Tongues (LP)

Goat Torment - Forked Tongues (LP)

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The black metal crusaders in GOAT TORMENT return with Forked Tongues, their first new album / release in over 6 years. A blast furnace of primal Satanic fury, the album itself delivers a savage onslaught. Ultraheavy darkening passages only serve to temper the relentless blasting speed. Forked Tongues is musical punishment writ large, and sounds as if forged in the crucible of hell.


Track listing

  1. Pantheon of Devourment
  2. Disorder and Disruption
  3. Cursed
  4. Forked Tongues
  5. The Road to Oblivion
  6. Profanation
  7. Deceitful Faith
  8. Ravenous Ghouls
  9. Charnel Houses