Those Who Bring the Torture - Those Who Bring the Torture (CD)

Those Who Bring the Torture - Those Who Bring the Torture (CD)

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Swedish death metal, debut album.


Track listing

  1. An Affair of Entrails (in a Filthy Liaison with Disgust)
  2. Murdered Thrice
  3. Filthbag
  4. Drudgery at the Graveyard
  5. Chains and Saws and Chainsaws
  6. Death Came as a Friend to Them
  7. Professionally Curing the Disease
  8. Defiling the Carcass
  9. Skeletal Cage
  10. Prone to Penetrate Pus
  11. Distaste for Ordinary Scum
  12. Never Too Cold for Carnage
  13. Drilled with a Jackhammer
  14. Banquet of the Grotesque
  15. Shriek (Like the Pig You Are)
  16. Sickened Skin Infestation
  17. Inducing Abomination - Reciding in Dirt