Negativeaidguerrilla Realm - Vanitopia (CD)

Negativeaidguerrilla Realm - Vanitopia (CD)

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The first EP from Japanese drone doom duo NEGATIVEAIDGUERRILLA REALM. One song, 27 minutes! Instrumental and without drums, this is atmospheric doom ambience!


Track listing

  1. Vanitopia


I would never lament the absence of vocals as there are some exceptional instrumental artists and albums on the market today, but the lack of drums in a Doom Metal piece is something i cannot fathom, Doom being a genre that relies heavily on its ability to produce crushing force and oppressive moods, yet despite this Negativeaidguerrila Realm have created the same moods and tones as any other Doom Metal band worth their salt, that is a sonic audio pummeling at the hands of the band and their carnage laden guitar and bass work. Don't get me wrong, Vanitopia is not for everyone, although with this kind of style that maybe should go without saying. However for the Doom entrepreneur this will be a massive addition to the collection. The bass work is phenomenal, adding fuzz and grime to the proceedings whilst the guitar work is raw and edgy, a depressive blast of black noise! Negativeaidgurrila Realm may just be one of the most original band currently active right now! - 4/5

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