Romuvos - Romuvan Dainas (LP) Romuvos - Romuvan Dainas (LP)

Romuvos - Romuvan Dainas (LP)

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Baltic folk metal with clean vocals, distorted riffs and traditional instruments that will have you raise your horns and join in the battle cry.With anthems of pagan wars against Christian invaders and traditional Baltic songs, ROMUVOS brings the ancient practices and traditions of the Baltic people back to life.


Track listing

  1. Under the Glaciers of the Baltijos
  2. Beyond the Gates of Ouroboros
  3. Thy Glory and Might Thus We Shall Stand
  4. Poems for the Dead
  5. Eglė - The Queen of Serpents
  6. Sailing Far Away from the Shores of Men
  7. Inside the Lake
  8. Romuvan Dainas