Pogost - ...from the Eternal Chaos (...Из вечного хаоса) (CD)

Pogost - ...from the Eternal Chaos (...Из вечного хаоса) (CD)

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Pogost - is it a churchyard around a church? Pogost - is the churchyard for the bodies of the christians, this is their final abode where they shall decay and putrefy in complete unanimity with each other and in conformity with their defective canons, they all shall be in the ground.
Pogost is the churchyard around the church. Razed to the ground, burnt down, and covered with ashes of biblical stories. Pogost is dark desires, unleashed... This is the desire to destroy the world and everything connected with it. Hail everyone with us!


Track listing

  1. Безмолвие / Silentium
  2. Сознание истины / Sense of Truth
  3. Мизантроп / Misanthrope
  4. Я умираю / I'm Dying
  5. Правда / The Truth
  6. Дитя могилы / Children of the Grave
  7. Наказание земли / The Punishment of the Earth
  8. Мрак / The Dark
  9. Воины чистой ненависти / Warriors of Pure Hate
  10. Мёртвый Иисус / Dead Jesus