Holodomor - Temoignages de la Gnose Terrestre (CD) Holodomor - Temoignages de la Gnose Terrestre (CD)

Holodomor - Temoignages de la Gnose Terrestre (CD)

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HOLODOMOR debut MCD Temoignages de la Gnose Terrestre presents five devastating pieces of sonic cruelty executed with an immense brutality. Conceptually soaring beyond the cliches of ideological fallacies of the genre, the spirit of HOLODOMOR conveys genuine visions of inhumanity, violence and self-abjection.


Track listing

  1. Fall Into Time
  2. The Spell of Black Affliction
  3. Tribulation Stigmata
  4. Evoke
  5. The Iconoclast


The influences that shape the album are not very bountiful when they are projected in the same manner, but by adding swift turns, sharp maneuvers and by having savvy flexibility, the riffs here are sprayed furiously upon the listener, spiking suddenly and then drawing back, simply introducing standard influences in a most spiking way. The riffs are totally flashy and sudden, and before you can have a moment's respite after a gnawing incursion of bestial black/thrash, another onset is at your door, and it strikes before you can have a moment to breathe. The really great factor about the Ep is that fact that these guys have definitely worked hard while writing the riffs and arranging the songs in structure. Many might hear basic tremolo passages and typical diminished black metal chord strums, but deep within the turbulent assault of riffs, you'll notice there are technical details added, and Holodomor actually present this in the most accessible way possible. A great trait. - 4/5