Wrathprayer - The Sun of Moloch: The Sublimation of Sulphur's Essence Which Spawned Death and Life (LP) Wrathprayer - The Sun of Moloch: The Sublimation of Sulphur's Essence Which Spawned Death and Life (LP)

Wrathprayer - The Sun of Moloch: The Sublimation of Sulphur's Essence Which Spawned Death and Life (LP)

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The Sun of Moloch represents an exceptional merging of artistic visions and far exceeds the quality of the demo. Recognizing Black Metal's propensity for spiritual depth as opposed to its tendency toward antagonistic angst, Wrathprayer attempt on this album to achieve something grander than mere recitation of their music. The Sun of Moloch carries with it the weight of ceremony.


Track listing

  1. Prayer I (Rev. X:VII)
  2. In Visceribus Bestiæ
  3. From the Depths of the Phlegethon
  4. Ritualization (Rev. XIII)
  5. The Darkest Fyre
  6. The Annunciation I:I (Vermis Precatus)
  7. Devourers of Light
  8. Sun of Moloch
  9. Prayer II