The debut demo of Polish underground cult ARKONA!! Recorded live during nightly rehearsal, 26 March 1994.
The Swiss label Morbid Madness suggested the band re-record Eternal Curse... for a studio album. This eventually became Imperium, released by Astral Wings in 1996 (recorded in December 1994). The original demo songs on this tape and Imperium re-recordings:
"From the Depth of Hell-Fire into the Infinited War" became "Skrajna nienawiść egoistycznej egzystencji"
"Only True Belief" became "Epidemia rozczarowania i nędza duchowa"
"In the Shadow of Dying Willows" became "Każdy los to cień"
"Under the Arms of Lucipher" became "Jesienne cienie czekające na kolejną reinkarnację"
"Barbarian - Fire of the Whirlwind Hills" became "Wściekłość która nadchodzi"
"An Eternal Curse of the Pagan Godz" became "Pluję na twą marność psie!"
A CD of the same name was released in 1997 combining Eternal Curse... and the second demo Bogowie zapomnienia.