Can't categorize Celtic Frost by today's standards, because they predate them. They were obviously really, really into Venom, and I would say this album is pretty much the ultimate example of that style of metal: raw, brutal, and in your face. There's not a gimmick in sight, just riff after almighty riff thrown in your face. If you ever want to test and see if you're metal, just slap on "Jewel Throne" - if that riff doesn't get your head flailing, then you just are not metal, and you need help. This album is a classic that still has teeth after...holy shit twenty-one years. "Dawn Of Meggido", "Eternal Summer", "Circle Of The Tyrants", "Necromantical Motherfucking Screams" - I mean, what more is there to say? This album had a huge influence on the modern Black Metal scene, as well as other fine bands like The Crown and (duh) Usurper. - Metal Crypt 5/5