Combat 84 - Complete Collection (2022 Reissue) (Blue Edition) (LP) Combat 84 - Complete Collection (2022 Reissue) (Blue Edition) (LP)

Combat 84 - Complete Collection (2022 Reissue) (Blue Edition) (LP)

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Collects the complete studio recording by Chelsea Oi! legends COMBAT 84.

Orders of the Day (EP, 1982), Rapist (EP, 1983), Send in the Marines (LP, 1984), Charge of the 7th Cavalry (LP, 1989), Tooled Up (EP, 2000)


Track listing

  1. Violence
  2. Combat 84
  3. Poseur
  4. Skinhead
  5. Rapist
  6. The Right to Choose
  7. Barry Prudom
  8. I'm Allright
  9. 1982
  10. Trouble
  11. F82123
  12. Soldier
  13. Violence (Remix)
  14. Barry Prudom (Remix)
  15. Rapist (Live)
  16. World War (Live)
  17. Poseur (Live)
  18. Combat 84 (Live)
  19. Rapist (Live)
  20. Violence (Live)
  21. Combat 84 (Live)
  22. Skinhead (Live)
  23. F82123 (Live)
  24. Poseur (Live)
  25. 1982 (Live)
  26. World War (Live)
  27. Trouble (Live)
  28. Soldier (Live)
  29. We're Back
  30. It's Kickin' Off
  31. Politically Incorrect
  32. Getting the Fear
  33. Whatever Happened to My Country