Custom Badges

Custom Badges

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You can order any amount of badges (no minimum!), each design name or uploaded image will be a unique item. You can then change the quantity of each design in your cart.

Artwork recommendations:
At least 500 x 500px is recommended. You do not need to make your artwork circular but keep in mind square designs will fit into a circular template.

Badge Pack

Custom Content Terms and Conditions

You may not use this Service, provided by this Website ("Todestrieb", ""), to process Prohibited Content. "Prohibited Content" includes, but is not limited to, Content or other material that:

  • Is abusive, deceptive, pornographic, obscene, defamatory, slanderous, violent, offensive, constitutes hate speech or is otherwise inappropriate;
  • Violates or otherwise encroaches on the rights of others including, but not limited to, intellectual property, privacy, publicity or privacy rights;
  • Advocates illegal activity;
  • Violates any law or regulation applicable in England and Wales and in any country from which it is uploaded;
  • Harms or advocates harm against anyone, including minors

Though Todestrieb is not required to do so, it may from time to time examine any Content submitted to the Service. Although Todestrieb does not and will not examine or otherwise review all Content submitted or transmitted to the Service, it may delete, move, or edit Content for any reason, at any time, without notice.

All Content (whether private or public) is the sole responsibility of the person who submitted it. You are solely responsible for your Content.
In addition to complying with the Terms and Conditions, you agree that all Content uploaded by you will be done at your own risk. You must retain a copy of the Content that you upload. We expressly exclude all liability for any uploaded Content which is lost or damaged during or after the uploading process.
By viewing the Service, you may be exposed to Content that you consider offensive. You take sole responsibility for any such exposure.

You will receive a full refund of any sums already paid for an order we do not fulfil.

Nothing in these Terms and Conditions shall transfer ownership of your Content to Todestrieb or to any third party.

Todestrieb in no way guarantees the accuracy, quality, or appropriateness of Content available through the Service.