Deceased - Luck of the Corpse (2023 Reissue) (CD) Deceased - Luck of the Corpse (2023 Reissue) (CD)

Deceased - Luck of the Corpse (2023 Reissue) (CD)

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DECEASED should need no introduction, nor should Luck of the Corpse: originally released in 1991, the band's debut album was the first full-length to be released on a fledgling Relapse Records. The time is more than right to bring Luck of the Corpse back from the grave - and it's still as rottenly fresh today as it was back then, a manic and crazed and ever-addicting long-form introduction to DECEASED's singular death metal from the grave, which has gone through a number of transitions but still holds strong today. Up the tombstones, once again!


Track listing

  1. Fading Survival
  2. The Cemetary's Full
  3. Experimenting with Failure
  4. Futuristic Doom
  5. Haunted Cerebellum
  6. Decrepit Coma
  7. Shrieks from the Hearse
  8. Psychedelic Warriors
  9. Feasting on Skulls
  10. Birth by Radiation
  11. Gutwrench