Enbilulugugal - Noizemongers for Goatserpent (2013 Reissue) (Digipak 2CD) Enbilulugugal - Noizemongers for Goatserpent (2013 Reissue) (Digipak 2CD)

Enbilulugugal - Noizemongers for Goatserpent (2013 Reissue) (Digipak 2CD)

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Giant tome of the most savage and raw black metal. Disc one features the 2004 debut album "Noizemongers for GoatSerpent" plus "TnepreStaoG Rof SregnomezioN" - harsh noise remixes of Noizemongers material by Izedis Apirikubabadazuzukanpa. Disc two features 21 rare compilation tracks, demos and other out of print recordings. 79 tracks in total!


Track listing

  1. Intro
  2. Noizemongers for GoatSerpent
  3. Return to Hellrokken GoatSex
  4. NunSucking Necrophiles
  5. Mashshanebbu
  6. Goatoplasm
  7. Devil Diarrhea
  8. Gorging HellSpam
  9. Fullmoon Gutspill
  10. Satanic BloodStains
  11. Raped By Mammoth
  12. Bachachadugga
  13. Apirikubabadazuzukanpa
  14. Fukkin' Aggha
  15. Nariluggaldimmerankia
  16. NecroKvntPuke
  17. Cut the GoatNekk
  18. Vomitfvkker
  19. Shred Vaginal Flesh
  20. Koldgrimm HellMasturbator
  21. The Dark Lake
  22. Samoanguanoeaters
  23. Dirgirgiri
  24. In Hell I Will Burn
  25. NekroShit
  26. Thirteen Moons
  27. Asarualimnunna
  28. GoatSerpent PissFvkk
  29. Outro
  30. ortuO
  31. kkvFssiP tnepreStaoG
  32. annunmilaurasA
  33. snooM neetrihT
  34. tihSorkeN
  35. nruB lliW I lleH nI
  36. irigrigriD
  37. sretaeonaugnaomaS
  38. ekaL kraD ehT
  39. rotabrutsaMlleH mmirgdloK
  40. hselF lanigaV derhS
  41. rekkvftimoV
  42. kkeNtaoG eht tuC
  43. ekuPtnvKorceN
  44. aiknaremmidlagguliraN
  45. ahggA 'nikkuF
  46. apnakuzuzadababukiripA
  47. aggudahcahcaB
  48. htommaM yb depaR
  49. sniatSdoolB cinataS
  50. llipstuG noomlluF
  51. mapSlleH gnigroG
  52. aehrraiD liveD
  53. msalpotaoG
  54. ubbenahshsaM
  55. selihporceN gnikcuSnuN
  56. xeStaoG nekkorlleH ot nruteR
  57. tnepreStaoG rof sregnomezioN
  58. ortnI
  59. GoatStorm Blitzkrieg
  60. Tribal GoatSakkrifice
  61. Reeking of Diseased GoatBile
  62. RetardedGoat
  63. Lamb
  64. Charred Goat Remains
  65. Bloodbath in Darkness
  66. The Cause of It All
  67. Lost in Armageddon Winds
  68. A Skyline In Flames
  69. The End All and Be All
  70. His Ascent from Hell
  71. SerpentGoat King
  72. Beneath the Dark Lake
  73. Ruler of the Gnarled Woods
  74. The Doom Within the Black Mist
  75. His Descent into Armageddon
  76. Enslaving Armageddon
  77. Consumed by Flames
  78. The Death of You All
  79. His Descent into the Depths


Imagine if you will Gorgoroth meets early Beherit and then they spend the whole night watching white noise on the TV set. It's madness, complete and utter madness. Enbilulugugal is an acquired taste. You really have to be in the mood to submit yourself to the sonic carnage on display with this 2 CD set. At times i feel it is too much for my ears to handle and my mind to process. Other times I feel it is too primitive. Really this is brutal savagery on a musical level. Complete sonic apocalypse and you have to be prepared to endure this album. - 5/5