As they say, FUNEBRE was among the first extreme metal bands in Suomi. They were formed already in 1988 and surely we can put them among the originators of the scene, along with such great names as ABHORRENCE and XYSMA. Sadly they were one of the most shortlived bands also, splitting up already in 1991, just after the release of their legendary debut album Children of the Scorn. Before that FUNEBRE managed to release the Cranial Torment demo in 1989, the Brainspoon EP (which contained two songs from the mentioned demo) and the Demo 1990. And both these demo tapes have been compiled on this vinyl compilation.
Cranial Torment: This is one of the most underrated demo's ever! Recorded when Death Metal was virtually unknown and only available if you wrote to the band. The over the top bottom heaviness of this is mind blowing. The vocals are straight out of a horror movie and while being self produced the sound quality is actually amazing. It never gets boring or redundant. This is right up there with WINTER's Into Darkness and CELTIC FROST's early stuff (and who doesn't love these god's). It is the perfect mix of doom, death and speed that takes you straight to hell every time you listen to it!
Demo '90: This band was unbelievably heavy. This demo is insanely heavy. Everything about the first years and first few releases from FUNEBRE was heavy. The recording is blatantly over the top and is immediately apparent on a first listen. The guitar is so tuned down and sludge filled it sounds as if the strings will be falling off at any second. The vocals are some of the most gut wrenching deep disgusted sounding ones you have ever had the pleasure of hearing. Think early Grave and go two octaves lower and that's what we have hear.Bow to this. It's fucking heavy!