Heathen Deity - Satan's Kingdom (Cassette) Heathen Deity - Satan's Kingdom (Cassette)

Heathen Deity - Satan's Kingdom (Cassette)

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An hour in length, it is a dynamic work that contains moments of absolutely frenzied black metal bombardment ala early Gorgoroth, as well as more epic, earnest and atmospheric numbers. Clean guitars and vocal parts are used selectively and effectively, with surprisingly rousing choruses surfacing from the visceral songs.


Track listing

  1. Hark! The Ravens Cry
  2. Embrace the Essence of Satan - Ephesians 6:66
  3. The Swine Lead the Swine
  4. Satan's Kingdom
  5. Fucking Worthless
  6. Chapel of Filth
  7. The Son of Obscurity
  8. For Thine Is the Kingdom
  9. Satanae Albion
  10. Burning Angel Wings