Infernal Necromancy / Kanashimi - Hikari to Yami (光と闇) (CD) Infernal Necromancy / Kanashimi - Hikari to Yami (光と闇) (CD)

Infernal Necromancy / Kanashimi - Hikari to Yami (光と闇) (CD)

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Great new split from two Japanese bands - the latest release from both! O. Misanthropy of KANAHIMI (formerly SAMAYOI) presents excellent depressive black metal!


Track listing

  1. Infernal Necromancy - 布告 - Fukoku
  2. Infernal Necromancy - 我、咲に - Ware Sakini
  3. Infernal Necromancy - Nameless Graves in Battlefields
  4. Infernal Necromancy - 富嶽 - Fugaku
  5. Kanashimi - 序奏 - Intro
  6. Kanashimi - 悲歌 - Hika
  7. Kanashimi - 永遠に、、、 - Eien ni...
  8. Kanashimi - The Sorrow Garden