Irrlycht - Wolfish Grandeur (Black Edition) (Cassette) Irrlycht - Wolfish Grandeur (Black Edition) (Cassette)

Irrlycht - Wolfish Grandeur (Black Edition) (Cassette)

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German black metal veterans IRRLYCHT will finally return after 10 years with their new full-length album Wolfish Grandeur. Seven wolfish black metal hymns which will bring you back into the old and glorious days.


Track listing

  1. Intro/Belebung Ymirs
  2. Gaias Niedergang
  3. Drohende Schatten
  4. Zweige des Zweifels
  5. Perlmutt - Der Lohn des Sisyphos
  6. Wolfish Grandeur
  7. Leuchten der roten Stille/Epitaph (Outro)